Monday, May 19, 2008

Precious Life

How precious our lives are, and especially those of our little children. I am so thankful for my life and the life and presence of my husband, family, and friends, and especially my little son. A terrible tragedy happened in this past week that made me think about these things even more.. When I was growing up, my brother and I were best buds with two brothers down the street. We were just about inseparable in those days.... Last week, one of those brothers' youngest little son died during a nap while at daycare. I cannot imagine the heartbreak, pain, and grief he and his wife must be enduring. I just wanted to say to pray for those who have loved ones gone, especially these young parents who had to lose their little one at such a young age. I am so sorry for their loss. He was such a cute little guy, and a happy camper from reports from his daddy. I had only seen him in pictures. He was about a month older than Jeff. They have another older son who is too young to completely understand, and that has to be hard too. They kind of just have to keep functioning, keep going with the day to day activities of being parents. I truly can't imagine the strength involved to be able to accomplish this. I know they have a lot of support and are dealing the best they can. I just hope and pray that their family can find peace and deal with their grief so that it is at least bearable.

Rest in peace little Lach.


Sarah said...

Wow... I'm so sorry to hear about your friends. They are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine how sad you're feeling for your friends and how grateful you are for Jefferson's health and life. These things remind us to tell our loved ones just how much they mean to us. I love you guys and am so grateful that we're family and that we're close.


Amelia said...

I honestly can't even begin to imagine. I will pray for your friends and take the reminder to be thankful each and every day for my family and friends.

The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Wow, this is just unbearable to even think about. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's child. It mkaes you just want to hug your kids and not let go!