Friday, December 9, 2011

Camping and Uncle Jonathan!

My brother Jonathan came to visit and we had a great time.  We were able to spend some good time at home and sharing the new place, and also we were able to go camping at the coast. The weather was great and we had a lot of fun!

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Jefferson is 4!!!

Jefferson Paul Sand, our big boy who was born August 16th, 2007, weighing in at over 10lbs, is now FOUR. Wow. FOUR!!!!!  He’s a wonderful little boy.  He is truly insanely smart and has a memory that I can’t believe sometimes. He is just my favorite boy in the world and I love getting to know who he is becoming every day. He tries to be the entertainer when in a bigger group of his peers, and when he’s alone he is almost always singing. We call him “loop-hole” sometimes because of the clever things he comes up with to reason just about anything. He’s still a little boy, very carefree and doesn’t have that embarrassed sensitivity that kids get at a certain age. He is reading some, he knows the sounds associated with the letters, and he can write most uppercase and lowercase letters. His ability to recognize a song within a few notes is quite amazing. I know I am biased, but he’s a brilliant little guy and we are fascinated by him.

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We moved in May to our new house. It was crazy.  If you ever buy a foreclosure, just remember that the “seller” doesn’t really care much about the house, because the person in charge doesn’t actually own the house, and has nothing to gain by selling it.  So let’s just say there were some things that really slowed down our process, and we thank God for our realtor and our banker. Throughout the process, they were wonderful and were some of the few people I have encountered that I feel have really gone above and beyond in their job to make things work.  Adrianne Almond, of DAT Real Estate Solutions in Salem, OR, was fantastic and I would highly recommend her to anyone.  And Sam Williams who works for Wells Fargo was fantastic figuring things out and doing more than a loan guy should ever have to do! Truly above and beyond.  Great people!

And thanks AGAIN to Mike and Staci Monroe for letting us stay with them for a couple nights when our closing was delayed and our renters had to move in to our old house, so even though we have two houses, we were homeless for a couple days waiting to close. So thanks for making it feel less stressful with allowing us to stay! 

One sad thing: Jack our cat disappeared the night we moved, and there has not been a trace of him since. :(  We hope he’s somewhere being happy. 


DSC_3890  Good bye old house!

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