Sunday, February 28, 2010

To my dearest little baby boy Jefferson

Jefferson Paul 123 Jefferson Paul 076 b&w

I am just realizing more and more that soon our family will be changing, adding another little bundle of joy, just like you were just 2.5 years ago. We are all so excited to meet your new little brother or sister.  You seem to be excited, and you talk about how you will help Mommy and Daddy take care of the baby, and how you will teach the baby to do things like sing and dance, which you love so much.  Of course none of us really quite knows exactly what it will be like adding a new member to the family, and I just hope and pray that the transition is smooth and we can all enjoy the time together as much as possible. 

What I do know is that we will all love this little one so so much, “To the moon and back” as you might say. :)  I hope you know that Daddy and I love you “to the moon and back” an infinite amount of times, and I know that our love will just increase to love your brother or sister just as much!  How amazing love is.  I know I realized that when I had you, and realized that my love for you had no bounds, and my love for Daddy even increased more as I saw him become a father.  I always knew he was the best man for the job, but actually seeing him in the role was just so wonderful and I was so happy we were getting to experience being parents together as a great team. 

I just want to tell you that I have had so many wonderful things happen to me in my life, and so many things that I have done and accomplished of which I am very proud, but becoming your mom has been the greatest honor and joy of my life.  My best thing I have ever done.  And I know I am far from perfect, and I apologize for my mistakes, but just know I do my best to truly love you as God says to in 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 Thessalonians 2.  In becoming a mother to your new little brother or sister, I pledge my best as well.

I really am going to cherish these final days of you being my one and only little one.  I love you so much, and can’t wait to see what a good big brother you are going to be.  You’re the best.  My best.  I love you my little Jefferson Paul. 

Love always,

Mommy  xoxo




Margaret Hower said...

Great post! And your love will grow! Godspeed and ease on number 2! Margaret Hower

Anonymous said...

This post had me crying my eyes out before work today...what a lucky boy Jefferson is to have parents like you and Kirb who CHERISH him. I love you Meg!


Austin and Janelle said...

Glad you are still feeling well Meg, can't wait to meet the new little one.