Sunday, March 7, 2010




Austin and Janelle said...

That means they're healthy to deliver right? Have him today so she can have the same birthday at Austin!

Sarah said...

Wow! The baby is really making him/herself known. The clothes should be there soon, we shipped them on Saturday. You still look amazing, of course. I hope you get some decent rest in the next few weeks. We're looking forward to meeting the newest Sand! Yay!

Megan said...

Janelle, Austin's birthday is on the calendar, and I was thinking of you guys and hope you get to do something fun! I think I wouldn't have to worry too much if the baby decided to come now, so that would be cool! I am just so anxious to meet the baby, I don't want to wait any more! :)

Sarah, thanks for sending the clothes. I am sure they will be here soon, I will have fun looking through them and remembering how "little" Jeff once was. :)

Meghan said...

You look so beautiful Meg!! I have been blog stalking your site... i can't wait!!!!

Amelia said...

You look great! I admire your ability to wear the heck out of yellow :-) It has always looked horrible on me. Enjoy the next few weeks!