Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jefferson Stories

Hi, here are a few recent stories and quotes from Jeff!
  • The other day we were talking about Christmas and asking Jeff what he wanted for Christmas, and that he could go see Santa and ask him and get what he wanted if he was a good boy. He didn't come up with anything and then suddenly said, "I no hit Jesus. Where is Jesus?" And as we kind of laughed and wondered about the "hit Jesus" comment, we said, "Well, Jesus is in Heaven with God, but you can still talk to him whenever you want." And then he said, "Jesus is in South Dakota!"
  • One day I went up to get Jeff from his nap, and I was staying home with him because he was sick with a cough and fever mainly. Anyway, I got in there, and he said, "I need a kissa mommy. I sick." So of course I gave him a kiss, and a minute later I started coughing (still getting well from having swine flu the week before) and he said, "I need give you a kissa Mommy. You sick." So sweet!
  • He's been peeing on the potty some. Not consistently or anything, but he definitely knows when he needs to go and is getting more into it. No poop yet, but we're hoping soon! We're just trying to make it fun and not push it, but he is proud when he does it. He always wants to pee standing up like a big boy. Once he tried to go at Applebee's with Kirb, but everything was too high, so I think it was pretty hilarious.
  • He is in this phase where he never wants to take his pjs off. He wants to wear them all day, and will hold them on so tightly I can barely get his hands out of fists from around the material if I try to take them off. So silly.
  • He's a pretty good boy most the time, but he's pretty clever too, and will try to figure out ways around things like the rules. For example, he was kind of singing and banging his hands on the table. It was during dinner so I told him he could not bang his hands like that at the dinner table, and so he turned his hands over and started doing it that way and he said, "I do it like THIS!" I have to really control myself not to laugh when he pulls things like this. What a little pill. :)
  • I had read a tip about making food fun for kids to get them to eat it, like calling milk Power Milk or chicken Super Strong Chicken, and we already try to get Jeff to eat a lot of different foods (which he does!), and when he doesn't seem as interested in eating as we would like, we will tell him how strong it will make him. Then Kirby started saying that he should show how much his muscles grow and how strong he gets when he takes bites of his dinner. So now he will say, "Watch my muscles!" and he'll take a bite, then clench his whole little body and grunt to show us. It's hilarious.
  • He is a total music lover. He loves singing, dancing, and playing harmonica and bongos and remembers everything. (His memory truly is amazing, not just with songs). Anyway, often when he wakes up, he is singing a song. In the morning lately he seems to prefer, "10 Little Monkeys." Right now he's getting really into Christmas songs, and I think I've sung Deck the Halls and Jingle Bells about 100 times already and Halloween hadn't even come yet. oh boy. :) It's also funny though because sometimes he will want to sing something, and I join in, and then he says in a really annoyed-but-trying-to-be-nice voice, "No sing, Mommy. Only Jefferson sing." Then usually he'll ask me to join in later. :)
There are so many more things, Jeff keeps us laughing and amazed all the time at the things he does and especially at all things he says and asks us, and I should really take notes so I don't forget them. I'll have more and post again soon!

And an update with our new little one: not much new to report, no more more morning sickness (woo hoo!), and I am 18 weeks along. I recently acquired my little baby bump and I am feeling the baby move around pretty often. It's fun!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

love it! miss you guys terribly. Megus, I sure hope you are doing better!!! been worried about you. here's to the rest of an uneventful pregnancy and a healthy little one.