Sunday, March 1, 2009

When Jeff is sick

When Jeff is sick, I feel bad. I don't like that he can't tell me exactly how it feels, and I don't like that he doesn't understand what happens when he gets sick and why he has to feel terrible and miserable with symptoms of whatever he has. This past week Jeff was pretty sick, but just the virus going around that has been knocking people out. I had strep throat last week and Jeff was already pretty gunky and coughing, and then I got what he had too, and it's not fun. Anyway, Jeff also had fever every day for about 5 days, and he was not happy. He's not even eating much, I think he's eating less in a day than he used to eat in a meal. It's frustrating because then we are worried he's not nourished or will become dehydrated, and I know he's lost weight this past week. We took him in to the doc after he had so many days of fever and it turns out he doesn't have any infections, and since he still has energy and is responsive, they weren't overly worried about him. But to us of course, he just seems like a different kid, so we do worry and we get frustrated too. I am thankful because I know it could be so much worse, like for our friends Jason and Kelly and their little son Patrick. Thankfully things are looking up for them now, but go here to read about their horrific last week. Anyway, we're just ready to have our normal little guy back, and we're sorry he has to feel so yucky. He's getting a lot better, we went out of town this weekend and enjoyed ourselves and he did pretty well, but he's still not completely back. He's still not eating much at all. Hopefully he'll be completely better soon! I just hate when he's sick. Ick.

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