Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day! Kirb and I went out a day early to miss the crowds of the actual day, and we had a wonderful time. We went to a couple of our favorite restaurants and had a traveling dinner, and then went to a late movie. Jeff stayed with a babysitter and did great as always. Today we get to have dinner with the Monroe family and hopefully just have some fun at home and we might go swimming at our gym. Anyway, nothing to exciting going on around here. I had a concert last week, basically a musical review with choir and soloists, and it was a fun concert and well-attended. Teaching is going along fine, busy but good. Kirb is enjoying playing on a city league basketball team with some friends, and his job is going ok, but there are more layoffs coming soon that will effect many people here. Sad.

We are loving our little one-and-a-half-year-old, he's such a joy! He's such a smart kid, learning so much every day. His vocabulary continues to grow, and so does his understanding of how things work, and what everything is out in the world. One of the cutest things he's doing right now is when we get to daycare and I have to leave for work, I tell him that, and then he says, "Mama la-la-la?" And I say yes, and then he says it again as a statement: "Mama la-la-la. Bye-bye!" He gives the best little hugs and kisses (still) :) and his favorite thing in the world is to "Go walk" or "Go ow-die" (outside). He cries when we bring him back in even if it's really cold out. He can point to his body parts, and helps wash them at bathtime. He makes great animal sounds, and is starting to identify colors and shapes. He puts the little cardboard puzzles together, and LOVES "bahks" (books). When we are out in public he loves to say hi to everyone, and bye-bye. He loves his "apple gink" (apple drink) and that's what he always makes when he's "cooking." He's obsessed with things if we say they are hot, like the grill. He will say "gurl" and "hot" about 100,000 times in a row while we are grilling. It's cute. He's still a great eater and one thing he loves that's maybe surprising is steamed broccoli. He LOVES it. He loves to "cuh-gur" (color) and watch and listen to his nursery rhyme DVD. He has started trying to sing along, and he loves playing "ring around the rosie" when that comes on. He just got his first big boy haircut at the barber. (I think I'll just do it from now on though) Anyway, those are some things going on with our Jefferson. Oh, and lately people have told me that he looks like me! I don't know about that, but it makes me happy that he might actually look like my son, and not just Kirb's. :)
Just got back from the barber, and his lips are red from the sucker he got!
New haircut and dinner
He loves to watch "cucks" (trucks) so on trash day he loves to see the garbage, recycling, and yard waste trucks that come by

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