Friday, January 16, 2009


No, don't be shocked yet, he hasn't actually gone on the potty or anything yet, but since early December he's started to tell us when he's "gnnn poop." He grabs his diaper and keeps saying it. Sometimes it's before he goes, sometimes it's after, and sometimes he still waits a while. But I told our pediatrician that, and he said we should for sure get a potty and start to get him used to the idea so he's not afraid or anything. So far, no actual going on the potty, but he's ok with trying to sit on it, and he's fascinated by the whole idea and figuring it all out.
Just like Daddy
Forgot to pull up my pants!
Oh and here are just a couple cute pictures. Tomorrow we are going to the coast and the aquarium with Mike, Staci, and Nick, and it's supposed to be totally sunny and 60 degrees, so we should have some fun pictures to share after that. Have a good holiday weekend everyone!
Lounging on horsie

Ready to go with Doggie and Froggie


Meghan said...

LOVE IT!!! I am very interested in the process. Any research on how well it goes over on babies around 1 month or so? Would love to avoid the whole diapering process :)

Sarah said...

That's awesome! Claire normally just sits on it with her clothes on. Mostly because I'm too lazy to remove her diaper repeatedly. That would be so cool if he potty trained himself before he was two!