Sunday, January 18, 2009

Out to the Coast

An eel. Kind of scary looking I'll have to say.
Different types of jellyfish

Japanese Spider Crab
They are huge and I hate spiders, so these scare me! Jeff thought they were cool
Awesome display with Sting Rays. They didn't have stingers anymore, so you could touch them. There was one who just wanted attention and would come up to be petted. :) They are soo soft and smooth. Very amazing.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...."
Out watching the sea otters
Kirby as an early underwater explorer. :)
The boys after seeing everything at the aquarium.
I think Jeff walked by himself about a mile, he was tired!
Shaking hands
Jeff, mesmerized by some people playing frisbee.
And if you know the Oregon coast, pretty much everyone should be mesmerized by it, seeing that it is usually impossible to do with the wind. It was perfectly calm!
Daddy and Son

Mike with Nick, and Kirb and Jeff
Mommy and Son

We had a really fun day at the aquarium, beach, and then out to dinner at Cafe Mundo in Newport. Really great food and fun atmosphere! The boys fell asleep almost instantly when we left for home, they had a big day full of running around and seeing a lot of fun stuff.

Stay tuned for the next little adventure, or just some day to day stuff. :)

1 comment:

Jenny Sand said...

The beach pics are beautiful!