Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy First Birthday Jefferson!

Happy Birthday Jefferson! We can't believe you are one year old!

Birthday suit, birthday bubble bath
Birthday celebration (actually HP family picnic) :)

I know it is past his birthday already, but we had to have a post with that title. It was a busy week because I had shows every day starting last Thursday, and long full dress rehearsals days before that. Anyway, on his birthday, he woke up and Kirby and I went up and walked into his room singing "Happy Birthday." We got him up, he had a bottle and then he got to have his first donut for his birthday breakfast treat. Since there was so much going on the rest of the day, we thought this was the best time for the candle and singing "Happy Birthday" again. I can't believe it's been a year, I was going through some pictures from when he was born, and just remembering that time last year. How amazing!

We got lots of calls wishing him a happy birthday, and some presents came in the mail. He got some great books, and a Winnie the Pooh DVD (that I later watched because I love that one!). Later that afternoon, we got to go to the HP family picnic. It is a huge event and a lot of fun. It's like a nice carnival only completely free. They had cotton candy, elephant ears, ice cream, sno-cones, kettle corn, beer and wine, soda, a complete meal including burgers, hot dogs, sweet and sour chicken, potato and pasta salad, chips, fruit, etc. and then they had a ton of activities like bouncing castles for kids, a sand castle competition, "the price is right" game, jewelry making, concerts, carnival type games, some other "ride" type things, and a huge fireworks show at the end of the night. I didn't even get to see everything before I had to leave to get ready for my show, but it was fun while I was there, though it was very hot. We had a week of temps in the upper 90's up to low 100's. Then yesterday it cooled down and we even got some rain which for this time of year is not common, and some thunder and lightning which almost never happens here. This morning it was raining again, and it was cool all day. Anyway, Kirb and Jeff stayed the whole time at the picnic. Kirb decided that he would let Jeff stay up and watch the fireworks for his birthday, which I guess when they first started he was a little afraid, but Kirb just started cheering and acting excited and he loved it! He got to have a glowstick necklace and walk around outside in the very warm evening while the concerts were going on too, I think he had a pretty fun birthday! We are going to have a bbq in honor of his birthday this Friday since the show is over now, and also, my brother Brent and his girlfriend Terra are coming to visit, so it will be fun to have them here to celebrate as well.

I had a matinee performance on Sunday, and Jeff and Kirb went to Nick Monroe's 1st birthday party. We then all went to my cast party bbq, and then came home early and we all went to bed early. It was nice to get a really good night's sleep. It's been a while. With rehearsals that go later into the evening, it's hard to come home and just go to bed, so I would end up staying up really late, but would still have to get up when Jeff did of course, so my hours of sleep were not many for a while. Hopefully now that will change.

So other info on Jeff: he's walking probably at least half the time if not more, this evening it was almost constant. He still uses his bear crawl/run sometimes as well, and it is FAST! You can ask him where the doggie is in pictures, and he will point to it. His toy doggie (the one that he was cuddling with in the pictures in the ER back in May) is something that he has to have when he goes to sleep, and during playtime, he will every now and then go over to it and hug it. If you ask, he loves to show you where the light is, and where the fan is. He loves to be allowed to flip the light switch on and off. One of the cutest things he does is when you say, "can you wink?" he blinks both his eyes almost like a really major squint. I'll have to get it on video. He is still taking two naps a day and sleeping close to 12 hours a night. He is a wonderful eater, everyone is shocked to watch him just take bites and eat just about anything we give him. He still absolutely HATES getting wiped off after eating. It is complete torture to him. He will give kisses and hugs when asked, and will wave bye-bye. He is such a little sweet boy, and also funny and entertaining. He loves to make people laugh by taking a towel or blanket or piece of clothing, put it over his head and face, and then walk or crawl or play peek-a-boo with it. He loves listening to music and will dance every time he hears it come on. He received a birthday card from Gma and Gpa Sand that plays "Old MacDonald" and he has opened and closed it no less than 450 times in one day, dancing just about every time. Just imagine hearing, "(open) old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E (close) (open) old macdonald had a (close) (open) old macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O and on that farm he had a dog E (close) (open) Old macdonald......." You get the idea. It's pretty funny. (tick) :) He loves hie swing in the back yard, although when you watch him, it doesn't look like he's all that excited while swinging, but if you try to take him out, he starts having a fit. :) He loves to play with dirt and rocks. He loves to just throw himself over us if we're lying down, he kind of roughs around especially with Kirb, and pretty much seems to have no fear about anything. He loves his daddy and mommy, but will only actually say mama when he wants, usually when he wants me to come get him in the morning or after a nap, or is done with his food. If you ask him to say mama, he will promptly forcefully say "DADA" every. single. time. :) He is pretty clever/sneaky: he knows he isn't supposed to touch the kitty water dish, but he figures if he touches it with something like a towel or a toy, that isn't actually him touching it, so that should be ok. Also, this evening I took out the drain of the tub, and he noticed the water going out, and tried to get to the deeper end as quick as he could, felt the water going out, looked around, found the drain cover on the side of the tub, and proceded to put it back on to stop his glorious bath from going away. He had his 12 month well baby visit this morning, and he is now 33.5 inches tall, and weighs 23 pounds, 5 ounces.

New Cowboy hat from Gma and Gpa Sand that arrived today

What a cute little cowboy!

And holy cow he looks like his Daddy's side of the family!

I think I see a little of Great Gpa Sand in this one.

Jeff wearing his new cowboy hat and walking around.


Sand Castle said...

oh and in the first video, jeff is eating a large piece of plum if anyone was wondering. He looks kind of funny chewing it while trying to figure out what the heck we are doing. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Birthday sweet Jefferson! This blog made me laugh and cry. What fun and cute things you are doing - I love that your mom and dad enjoy the small things in life. I am so thankful that you are my nephew! Love you.

Aunt Jenny

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jeff! Can't believe the boys are 1! Wow!