Friday, August 8, 2008

Jeff and Jack

Jeff loves the kitties, and they do great with Jeff for the most part. Jack is a much more social cat than Marvie, and so is often hanging out where we are playing. Jeff always wants to pet him, and he wants especially to touch his paws. We always say, "Careful, Jeff. Be gentle, pet the kitty gently." We say this because he gets excited and can hit hard. He is getting it down pretty well, except for when it applies to Kirb's or my face.
Jack just teases Jeff, keeping his paw just out of reach

Oh, I just wanted to mention that Jeff just finished his last can of formula and is now drinking whole milk. He loves it! The past couple weeks he wasn't drinking his formula very well and now he's drinking milk like a champ; I guess he just knew it was time for the switch! :)

Jeff rocking Jack, so cute!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Ok, where are my babies first birthday pictures?