Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today is July 16th. That means, in one month, I will have a one year old little boy. LITTLE BOY!!???? Wait a second! What happened to my little BABY?! What happened to last year at this time just being fat not even knowing if the baby in there was a boy or a girl? I think it is just hitting me that I will have a child that isn't just X months old anymore, he will now be measured in years. Holy cow. How amazing....

So a while ago I mentioned Jeff's first tooth. Well, not long after that, he got another on the bottom, and now he has the two upper front teeth and one more next to that on the right side. I suppose I could get technical and say he's got both upper and lower central incisors, and one lateral incisor. (Don't worry, I had to look that up. I don't remember that stuff) :) So he's up to five teeth now. I tried to capture a good cheesy smile so you could all see the teeth. He's so cute!

Here is Jeff checking out little Patrick Hower. Patrick at 8 weeks is about the same size Jeff was when he was born. Both of these boys are soooooo cute!

1 comment:

The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Even when he's 1 and a half, you'll still measure him by months. At least it's not weeks! :) Although sometimes it's fun to calculate.

The Mikado was done in Anchorage two years ago and Brook and I went. It was so great! That is awesome that you are IN The Mikado!

You are one busy mama!