Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Traveling to SD and the 10 year reunion!

Wow, where to start. Well I will try not to write too much except to document some of the big things. We took off with our Acura MDX filled to the brim with people and stuff, and had a U-haul trailer in tow as well. There were five adults; me, Kirb, Austin, Noah, and Sarah; and then of course Jeff. We had all our camping stuff, guitars, golf clubs, suitcases, a huge cooler, Jeff's pack n play, stroller, high chair, life jacket..... anyway, a lot of stuff. We decided since we didn't quite know how Jeff would do in the car that we wouldn't have too high expections for how far we would get, so we planned to get to Coeur d'Alene, ID, the first day. We made it with plenty of daylight to spare about 20 miles past Coeur d'Alene at a cute little campground. It was a little too near the interstate, and there are many truckers on I-90 at night, but oh well. What can you do. Jeff did really well on the long ride, and the rest of us didn't kill eachother or want to leave anyone behind either so we figured we were doing pretty well. We got to see Sarah L and Claire in the tri-cities of SE Washington on the way, so that was a nice little bonus. The next day we headed out and planned on making it to Billings so we could see our friend from high school, Mike, who was not coming to the reunion. We again made pretty good time and got to have dinner with Mike, and we decided to stay in a hotel after we found out the campground was going to charge us $90 because we had three tents to set up. We spent about the same and got a nice hotel room at a place with a great pool and of course a place to actually shower, so that was nice. We got to hang out with Mike that night and then the guys got up and played 9 holes of golf with Mike in the morning. Then we took off for our final destination, Spearfish! We made it by about 4pm and the crew dropped me and Jeff off at my parents' house (it's about 10 miles west of town off the interstate) so Jeff didn't have to be in the car for any longer than necessary, while they took Noah and Sarah to town to Noah's dad's house. Jeff got to see Gramma Mimi right away and he was excited. He figured out where the stairs were immediately, so we had fun playing for a while. Kirb and Austin got back in no time, and we started to get ready to go out on the town for the start of our 10 year high school class reunion. Spearfish High School Class of '98. Go Spartans!! Holy cow I feel old. Jeff got to stay home and hang out with Gramma Mimi, Grampa Paul, Aunt Audri, and Uncle Brent, who came into town for the weekend from Ohio. We went out to dinner with what turned out to be a big group from our class. It was almost overwhelming to see everyone, and everyone looked great and had a fun time. I got to meet some peoples' significant others and they were all cool too. We all went out on the town after dinner and saw even more people from our class. I was excited that I didn't forget one single person's name! Many conversations and drinks later (well not much drink for me since I was driving) we went home and went to bed. The next day the guys slept in and I got to hang out with the family, and we had a good time playing with Jeff on my dad's golf greens that are at our house. My in-laws came over since they really wanted to see Jeff, and it was fun to see them and they got to play with Jeff and watch him bear crawl around the green. That day we pretty much just hung out at my family's house, and my dad, Brent, Austin, and Kirb played a bunch of golf at our house. My dad has two greens and a bunch of tee boxes so that a person can play I think around 15 different holes or at least 15 different approaches, whatever a golf person would say. I have no idea. :) Unfortunately, this is the day that I found out that a colleague of mine on the voice faculty at OSU passed away. It was sudden and sad, he was only 47 and just a very sad situation. We will miss him. Later, we got ready and went to our nice catered dinner for our class up in Deadwood. It is a historic town (think Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane) that has been turned into a gambling town and it is pretty fun. We had a good dinner and just hung out with everyone, and then a shuttle bus took us to the downtown from the resort at which we were eating, and we went to the Saloon No. 10 and just hung out until the wee hours. It was a great time. AND, the guys came out of there not losing any money gambling! I think Austin was even up $100. Nice. The next morning we got up and hung out at my parents until we went to the park for the final event of the reunion, a bbq/potluck. This was fun because everyone's families were in attendance as well, unlike our evening "going out" events earlier in the weekend. We figured out that Raven had the most kids (4) and Jolene (I think) had the oldest child (12) and there were so many kids and babies it was crazy. How fun to see all of us crazy kids as parents, wiping cheeks off, telling them not to run over to the strange dog, not to throw the ball underneath the shelter where everyone was sitting, chasing after little ones who were trying to "get away." My, my, my, how people change, and yet at the same time, they don't. I am looking forward to the 20-year, although I hope it doesn't come too soon! :) There were several people that I really wish could have come. So I will look forward to seeing them at the 20 year. The only thing bad that happened was that we left our chairs there and didn't realize it until several days later, and we didn't recover them. Anyway, it was a good reunion, more fun than I even thought it would be, and we had a pretty good turnout. That's it for this section of the trip!

Me and Aneliese in Deadwood

Brittnie (who is soooo cute 8 months pregnant-and it's a girl!) and me

Jessica, Amber V, Brittnie, me, and Mikayla

Me, Teryn, Nicole, Donnee, Amber M, Jessica,

Averie, Trish, and Mikayla

Trevor and Dusty

(Trevor organized the reunion, good job!)

Kirby and Lang chatting in the crowd in Deadwood

Troy, Tom, Dusty, and Reed

Noah and John (Brittnie's hubby who was in the class above us)

Aneliese holding Jeff and a bunch of other people at the park on Sunday

(Kirby's off to the left in yellow) :)

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