Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Spoke too soon...

Uncle Jonathan showing us how the equipment works
I don't feel good, this is no fun!
Snuggling with doggie

Well, after the last post Jeff's cough and runny nose turned ugly. On Saturday, I was doing some errands and Jeff seemed extra tired and felt really hot, and I thought he must have a fever, which he did, 102.5. Nothing too major, I just thought I would give him some Tylenol and all would be well. That evening he went to bed early and slept ok, he had some coughing during the night but seemed ok. The next morning after his bottle I noticed he seemed pretty warm, and his temp was 103, and again, I thought I should just give him some Tylenol and keep him on it for the whole day. I also knew my brother was coming and he's a physician now, fresh out of med school, :) so I could have him take a look at him. Jonathan got here safely and it was great to see him. It wasn't so great while we were at lunch at Jeff didn't want to eat much and was ridiculously tired after sleeping the whole way to pick Jon up and the whole way back. We got home, took his temp and it was at 102, then gave him some Tylenol and waited a bit. We took his temp again and it was a little over 104 just under his arm after the dosage of Tylenol. He was not the same kid. Jonathan knew what it all could possibly be, but he didn't have all his equipment so he couldn't do much to make any sort of diagnosis. Jeff was miserable and we didn't want to chance anything, so we decided to take him in. We thought the immediate care was open, but it closed earlier than we thought, so we had to go to the ER. I felt a little bad because I knew it wasn't a true emergency, and I know the ER shouldn't just be used as an after hours clinic, and I didn't want to be one of those people who were freaking out about their kid, but he had been sick for a couple days and it was getting worse, so I thought the visit was warranted. Better safe than sorry I guess. We got in right away and after some vitals and other stuff the doc came in and looked in his ears and said, "ouch." Poor little Jeff has a double ear infection and is now on antibiotics with doses of Tylenol and Motrin to control the fever. Today he still isn't doing so well, I am hoping by tomorrow morning the antibiotics will kick in and our little guy will be back to his normal self again. It's so sad to see him sick like this! I hate it and wish I could take it and be sick instead. Poor little guy. I am still thankful for how healthy he has been so far, and probably this doesn't sound like such a big deal to a lot of people, but it is our first time having him sick and it is not fun!


Jenny Sand said...

Oh, these pictures make me sad...I hope he feels better soon. :(

Sarah said...

Sorry to hear about the ear infections. I hope he bounces back soon!

Austin and Janelle said...

Poor kid, Carrie's boys have had a lot of experience with the ear infections. Let's hope this is it for Jeff! See you on Saturday!!!

John & Brittnie said...

Hope the little man feels better soon! No fun!

Andy said...

Sorry to hear Jeffers is sick. Major bummer. I hope he gets better soon.

Austin and Janelle said...

Come on....update the blog with GEorgia pics!!! It was so nice to have you guys here, feels empty now that you are gone. Especially without the cute one of you...Kirby. Just kidding of course Jeff!