Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Uncle Jonathan's visit

"Can I pound on your computer Uncle Jon? Pleeeasse?"
Jon cheering Jeff up in the ER with a little smiley face
Misty and calm day out at Yaquina Lighthouse
Exploring the rocks as the tide came back in.
The waves were tiny that day and there was so little wind it was almost eerie.
On a walk with sick little Jeff
A little smile from the sick one. He loves the swing!

At the end of May, my brother Jonathan came out to visit, as you saw in the last post. He unfortunately arrived the day we had to take Jeff to the ER because he was so sick, and he stayed sick pretty much the whole time Jon was here, and was finally getting better the day Jon had to leave. He was still a pretty good baby and had fun seeing his Uncle Jonathan. It's fun that since I had Jeff, everyone in my family has come out to visit except my youngest sister Audri (you'll be next keeka!) but it's hard for her since she's only finishing her freshman year in high school and can't just gallivant where- and when- ever she wants. :) Anyway, we had a good time, went out to the coast, took some walks, talked, ate, slept, just chilled. I think it was just what my brother wanted, he just finished med school and is now getting ready to start his surgery residency. His idea of vacation (unless you go to do something specific like backpack or canoe or whatever) is to do nothing, have nothing planned, and just hang out. So that's pretty much what we did and it was nice. He also took advantage of fast internet. :) He had been staying out at our parents' house for a few weeks in the in between time before his residency started, where they don't have fast internet. :) Anyway, it was great for him to come out, it was nice having my "little" brother around. I didn't even have to beat him up like I used to. ;) Thanks for coming out Jon!!

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