Friday, May 23, 2008

Jefferson's first tooth!

I forgot to mention that last week, right before we headed out to go camping on Friday, I discovered Jeff's first tooth had erupted! Earlier in the week, I thought it must be coming because I could see what looked almost like a little tiny hole in his gums and it reminded me of a picture of little Claire when she got her first tooth and the photo of her was kind of a pre-eruption picture of it. Anyway, he seemed to deal with it just fine. The thing he didn't deal with so well is me trying to get a picture of it once it came in. So, I thought I would show the progression of pictures while I was trying to capture his new tooth. They are pretty hilarious. He was not so happy with me at the end. :) It is also a little funny when he chews on his fingers or something and gets this look on his face like, "What the heck? That hurts!" Hopefully that means he'll realize it hurts others too and he won't bite anyone. :)
"Maybe I don't feel like smiling big enough to show my tooth. Sheesh."

"Um, this is weird...."

"Mom, you have got to be kidding me."

"Seriously Mom, if you put it in my mouth, I bite down, that's just the way it works."

"NOOOOOOO! Get me out of here! Don't touch me!!!!"

1 comment:

Jenny Sand said...

How exciting...Can you get a little clearer picture of that tooth for me? I can't see it all that well...

:) Just kidding!