Friday, February 29, 2008

Guests to the Sandcastle


This will be fairly short, we are having a wonderful time with my sister Kaija and don't want to take a bunch of time away from hanging out. Since the last post, I had my concert which went really well, I feel like I am in much better shape vocally. It was a fun experience with the choir and conductor from Germany, and the other soloists from around here were really great, I felt honored to be a part of the concert. Then on Saturday, one of my best friends, Steph Croff, came to visit us with her boyfriend Bear.
It was wonderful to meet Bear and see Steph, she just finished an album and we got to listen to it, and it is really wonderful. I can't wait until it comes out officially. Then Kai arrived on Monday evening, and Jeff and I went to pick her up at the airport. We went and had a good dinner downtown Portland, and since then we have been taking walks, eating, talking, we went to a movie (27 Dresses, it was cute), hiking, and just hanging out. The weather has been fantastic.
Out on a little hike up Bald Hill

Walking on the trail, such a nice day!
We mainly play with Jeff, and he sure does love Kaija. He almost said "Kaija" the other day; we've been trying to make him say it. He doesn't really even say "mama" yet though, he mainly says "Dada" and if he says "Kaija" now, well, I guess I'll just be patient. :)

Don't know why I just thought I would add a couple pictures
of our cats. Here is Marvie, she has a mane during the winter.

Here is Jack half-sleeping on the stairs
Anyway, all is well here and Kirby got home safely from Palo Alto, and we are looking forward to having a fun weekend. We will probably go out to the coast or something. Here are some pictures to enjoy!
Cheerios, almost making it to the goal :)


Sarah said...

The cheerio pictures are great! The last picture looks like a cheerio beauty mark or something. :)

Unknown said...

mmmm, cheerios.

P.S. 'Uncle Brent'...'Un-cle Brrrrent'

Austin and Janelle said...

Janelle...Juh-nell...come on Jeff I know I am your favorite.

aneliese dar said...

hey...this isn't fair!! (could you just hear me whining that?)'s that kid ever going to learn my name when i'm up against

'Un-cle Brrrrent' & Juh-nell....

ah-nuh-lee-s ....not that hard jeff...i know brains run in your family...keep practicing!

The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Oh how I miss Corvallis! Brook proposed to me on Bald Hill!