Friday, March 7, 2008

Oregon Coast and Aunt Kaija

Hi! We are doing well here, Kirby just finished his last basketball game with the team he's been playing with for the past couple months and we went out for a bit with a few people from the team that we have been friends with for a while. It was fun. We went to the game and had Jeff with us, and then came home and fed Jeff and put him to bed, and left him with a sitter, a sweet girl from next door. She said she looks forward to the next time so she can actually see him and play with him, but she also said it was the easiest job she ever had, getting to hang out and watch a movie on the projector. :) Anyway, let's see.... since the last post, Aunt Kaija had to leave, which was sad. Jeff loves her so much and we always love spending time with her. We went out to the coast over the weekend before she left, which was Jeff's first time out there. I think he enjoyed it, he was pretty mellow. I think he liked the sound of the waves. We went to a cute pizza place, we went to a wine tasting, we walked along the beach, we watched the sunset from out at the lighthouse, and went to a fun restaurant for dinner that had live music. The night before Kai left, we went up to Portland since her flight was really early the next morning, and we had a nice time hanging out at Noah and Sarah's, and going to a fun little Mexican restaurant. We got up really early to get her to the airport an hour early, and when we pulled up at 6:01 I jokingly apologized for being one minute behind schedule, but I did not know how important that minute would be. She ended up getting in a long line, but was reassured by the employees that she and a bunch of others on her flight would be just fine, but then when she got to the counter, she was told that she was one minute past the 45 minutes beforehand required to check baggage. So, she was told to go wait in another line to get another flight. I felt terrible when she called with this news. It turns out that it is only applicable in some airports on some airlines, but I was really wishing I had arrived at the airport that one minute earlier. Oh well. She got home just fine, just a little later than expected, and wrote a complaint while she was waiting at PDX, and it turns out she got a travel voucher because of it, so it turned out kind of ok. :) We miss her already though. Thanks for coming out to see us Kai!!

Getting closer to crawling

Fun with the Boppy

We think Jeff looks a bit like a cabbage patch doll, only cuter


The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Has he started crawling? Those first few pictures of this! He looks so close! I remember my boys being "so" close for a long time though! First it was backward motion, then the downward dog, then the pilates plank. It was cute to watch, even though they would get very frustrated!

Cute kido! It looks like you're having a blast with him.

Have fun in Seattle.

The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Has he started crawling? Those first few pictures of this! He looks so close! I remember my boys being "so" close for a long time though! First it was backward motion, then the downward dog, then the pilates plank. It was cute to watch, even though they would get very frustrated!

Cute kido! It looks like you're having a blast with him.

Have fun in Seattle.