Tuesday, February 19, 2008

6 months old! Can you believe it?

It's a beautiful day to be 6 months old!

Well, we have officially passed 6 months now, it doesn't seem like that much time could have possibly happened. Time is flying! We are trying to enjoy every minute, including spitting up and dirty diapers, because we know all of a sudden he'll be a teenager and not even want to hang out with us. When I see how happy he is to see me when I come into his room in the morning or after a nap, or come to pick him up, I really cherish those expressions of joy and excitement. Yesterday Jeff had his "well baby" check up, and he weighed 17 lbs. 14 oz. and was a bit over 29 inches long. So he hasn't gained a ton of height or weight, but he's still way off the charts for height, 50th percentile for weight, and 75th percentile for head circumference. His curve on the chart looks just fine, and Dr. Wong said he looks great and said he wished he had Jeff's abs. :) He's always trying to sit up, so it looks like he's doing crunches, and he really does have some good stomach muscles. :) He had a couple shots, but as always, Jeff was a champ and only did the really red face along with a cry for about 10 seconds, and then he was fine. I hadn't even picked him up yet and he had stopped crying. That was good. Also, we now have the go ahead to start giving him a lot more different foods besides just rice cereal. I had already tried giving him a little bit of some other things, and so far he loves sweet potatoes, pears, and applesauce, and green beans are still on the maybe list. He kind of is ok, and then he makes this face that is hilarious and kind of does the turn-head-to-one-side-shut-one-eye-sideways-gag thing. And then he'll take another bite! It's pretty cute. We had some gorgeous weather over the weekend, and it's so fun to be outside sitting in the grass and looking up at sunny clear skies. Not much else is new, I have a concert this Thursday singing Bach's Cantata No. 80, "Ein feste Burg...," with a visiting choir and conductor from the University of Tubigen in Germany. I am a guest artist on the concert along with a soprano, tenor, and bass, and my part is just one duet with the tenor, who is great. We had our first rehearsal last night and it went pretty well. Another event coming up is that next week my sister is coming to visit for about a week!! We are excited to have her here for a while. She lived with us for several months 2 years ago while she did her student teaching, and I am looking forward to taking the walks we would take and go to a few restaurants we liked to go to when she was here before, and it will be different now that Jeff is here too! He'll get to have some good auntie/nephew time. Kirby has to go to the Bay area next week for a couple days for work, so please keep my sis and him in your thoughts as they are traveling. Anyway, we hope all is well with you and yours, and as always we'll post more again soon!


Anonymous said...

We can't tell you how wonderful it is the way you keep us in touch with yourselves and Jefferson. It's really special to both of us and we really love you guys a lot.

Big Bear
& Mamma Bear

(Pa & Ma Sand)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's 6 months old already! My mom and I just watched all of the videos from the past 6 months that we have and can't believe how much he's grown and learned. What a sweetie. :)

P.S. Happy Birthday Meg.
