Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello! Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I know that a lot of people don't love Valentine's Day so much since it's just an excuse for people to have to buy cards, candy, flowers, dinner, and maybe jewelry, or for people to get upset because those things don't happen, or they're upset because they are single. I've heard it called "Singles Awareness Day" as a joke. It's also funny that Valentine comes from early Christian martyrs that had nothing to do with romantic love as far as I know. :) I try to just think of it as a day to try and spend with the people I love, and really appreciate the relationships I have with those people. I do like cards flowers, chocolates, dinner, and jewelry of course, but it's not expected. :) Kirby and I have started doing date night on Thursdays anyway, so this Valentine's Day works out well. We have never done much for V-day because in the past, I either worked at the restaurant serving people who were out for V-day, or I was singing in something that was for people out on V-day. This year we are going out to this great little fondue place and they have some live music tonight, and it should be fun. I just want to say how much I love my husband, he is the best husband, father, and friend! And my little son, our little Kirblet, Jefferson, is such a wonderful boy! I love them so much, and I love my family and my in-laws so much, we are so lucky to have family that we are close to, even though not geographically. We appreciate our wonderful friends too! So, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We hope you'll all be our Valentines. :) Here are a few pictures of our little guy, he's doing great. He has his 6 month well baby visit on Monday, so we'll post the stats after that visit. Have a great day!
Jefferson trying on his new shades.
He has a Tigger pacifier and Tigger on his sunglasses.
Jeff fell asleep on the way home from going out for dinner

Our little sleeping angel

Jeff waking up from a nap, it's so fun to go get him, he's so happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Meg! I love you guys too! Happy Valentines Day. Enjoy your date night. Fondue is one of my favorite things in the whole world. Thanks for the update. I LOVE the video! Talk to you soon.

:) jen