Monday, June 7, 2010

Cora’s Stats

Cora is already 8 weeks old!  Yikes!  She had her two month well baby visit the other day and she is 10 lbs 13 oz, and almost 24 inches long.  The doctor said that he gives me permission to lock her up when she’s 15, which he probably says to everyone, but she is gorgeous and I may just have to follow those instructions. She is a wonderful baby and we’re so glad she’s healthy!!!! 

Other stories and info:

  • Cora is a ridiculously fast eater.  She’s just so efficient at nursing, and man is that a blessing.  Jeff would take FOREVER when he nursed, and so a lot more of the day was taken up by feeding.  She is seriously done in about 10 minutes or even less.  An extra long feeding is 15 minutes. 
  • Cora feeds about every 3 hours or a little more throughout the day. She sleeps between one and two hours between feedings as well.  Then in the evening, she goes to sleep around 8pm, then I have to wake her for a final late evening feeding at 10:30 or so, then she would wake up one more time before morning, but now she is sleeping through the night.  She had only been getting up once at 4 or 5 in the morning, and it’s been getting later and later, so this morning I just let her settle back down for a couple minutes, and she slept until 7.  I am happy about that schedule for sure!  Jefferson was about the same, sleeping through the night at about 8 weeks. 
  • She is such a social happy little thing!  She smiled responsively very early and just coos and smiles and I swear she’s about to laugh.  She loves to lie on her little mat and bat at the hanging toys.  She’s very sweet when being held, she loves to grab a chunk of hair and just cuddle in to you.  She loves seeing and hearing her big brother, unless he’s sad, then she gets the cutest little sad frowny face and cries.  
  • Jeff is a wonderful big brother.  If Cora is sad, he goes over and tells her, “It’s ok baby!” And every morning or when she’s down for a nap he asks, “Where’s my baby?” When we are going somewhere, he wants to make sure that we are bringing the baby, saying, “We need to bring the baby. Are we bringing Cora?” He will hold her hand and try to give her the pacifier while we’re driving in the car. The only thing he doesn’t like is if she cries really hard, which has only happened a couple times, and it makes him really sad and he gets a little scared.  Otherwise, he just tells me, “Mommy, Cora is hungry, you need to feed her.”


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Heather said...

Yay for sleeping through the night--way to go, Mom! And by the way, I love her hair :)

Austin and Janelle said...

She is beautiful, that is so great that she is a good baby for you!