Thursday, June 18, 2009

PENTATHETITION and other Memorial Weekend Fun

(Once again I can't move anything while making these posts! argghhh. Enjoy anyway.)

hangin' in the front yard
Jeff and Claire

Swimming during the Pent
Go Kirb!
The run
The Competitors: Andy, Mark, Austin, Jason, Noah, Kirby
Jeff and I went hiking

On Memorial Day weekend, we had a bunch of friends in town. The big event was that the guys were going to do their Pentathetition (yes we know that word doesn't really exist) which involved 5 events. Each person came up with one event. The events were: 1) run three miles, 2) bench press 135 pounds as many times as you can in one set, 3) the "ups": how many sit ups (worth 1 point) and pull ups (worth 10 points) you can do in 4 minutes, 4) swim a 1/2 mile, and 5) how many free throws you can make out of 50. They had a complex way of scoring it that I won't get into, but I am sure Andy could post the spreadsheet and all if you're interested. :) They did the events in the order I listed them, and I think they had fun, though they were tired by the end. The competitors were Andy, Austin, Noah, Jason, Kirby, and Mark McCambridge who was a bit of a guest competitor (and who did really well I might add!) They even made shirts, and I never took a photo while they were wearing them, but they were cool. I thought it was hilarious that on the back it said, "Where Awkward Meets Athletics." Noah won overall, but there was a pretty good spread throughout the events, and Kirb did his personal best in three events, though unfortunately in his chosen event (the free throws) where he thought he would dominate, he didn't do so well. Sorry hon. :)
We had a fun weekend, except the poor Landon family all got sick so that wasn't so fun for them! They didn't know that Claire was truly sick until they were about an hour from arriving at our house, then Sarah got sick the next day, then Andy got sick. I felt terrible for them! We tried to do what we could and let them rest as much as possible to get well. I hope they still had some fun. It was good to see them. They drove from SE Washington, Noah flew in from CO, Austin was up from Eugene, and the Howers were down from Seattle, though their trip was to see family mostly this time, but we at least got to say hi and Jason and Mark competed in the Pent.

We kind of made our front yard into a camp, and Austin really was camping since there wasn't much room in the house, and a person has to get up pretty early if they sleep in the living room because of the kids waking up. :) So Austin was in his tent, and Noah "camped" in the loft in the garage. We went Monte Carlo bowling, we played Scrabble, we went to the park, Sarah and I did a little shopping and went out for coffee, and we all just hung out and enjoyed the very warm weather that weekend. Enjoy the photos!

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