Thursday, April 23, 2009


Hanging out in the back yard
Life is going well here, just busy busy as always. I finally made a pact with myself to actually make time to read a book for pleasure, get to practice singing, and get closer to 8 hours of sleep at night on the weeknights. That has not been happening for quite a while. And it's not Jeff's fault, he sleeps well, from around 8pm to 7-8am. I just work too much with too much homework to do for prep, and also want to take care of and play with Jeff, work out, eat, have clean clothes, talk to my husband, and just sit and do nothing for a little while each day. I don't think that's too much to ask. :) I think this term just feels especially busy because of all the recital hearings, recitals, NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) Auditions where I was a judge and also had students performing in other divisions, judging a district middle school solo/ensemble festival, house projects, training for marathon walk, etc. I squeeze all my teaching into three days, Tuesday through Thursday (19 individual students and vocal pedagogy class), and this term added Monday night Group Voice Class for a few hours, and am coaching some high school kids to get them ready for state solo contest. I have 24 contact hours not including office hours and private students! On my days "off" I want to make sure I spend the time just being with Jeff, and on the weekends we do what we can to spend time all together and have fun while still getting stuff done. We love grilling in the back yard, going to the park for picnics, pretty much anything having to do with enjoying the outdoors. We are just itching to go camping!!!! Anyway, we're busy busy. But again, all is well. Being a family is the best!

We have some fun things coming up soon. Jenny is coming to visit around Kirby's 30th birthday, we are going to put in our backyard paver patio and get some patio furniture, we are finally getting the banister project finished, we are having a "Friends Weekend" on the weekend before Memorial Day (more info to be posted soon about that), and I am walking a marathon up in Washington. That's what's on our plate for about the next month or so on top of normal work and stuff. Should be lots of fun! I know some of it sounds like work, but we've been wanting to get these projects done for a while now, and are using some tax refund money to finally make them happen, so we just look forward to when they're completed. :)
I guess we don't have any exciting news, just day to day stuff. So here's why you're here: JEFF! He's such a talker and I am getting to the point that I can understand most of what he says. Other people wouldn't be able to figure out a lot of it, but he's coming along with it. :) He loves to sing and play outside and just be a little boy. We think it's hilarious that when we're putting him to bed and are asking for more kisses and hugs, he finally says, "All done. Light off? Bye-bye Mama and Daddy! Night-night!" In other words: "Mom and Dad, enough already! I'm ready for bed!" We also get a kick out of his stories and songs after he's in his crib for the night. He goes on for 10-20 minutes sometimes just chatting and singing away. He does that in the morning too and loves to play in his crib and show off his bouncing abilities. He usually doesn't even want to get out right away. Anyway, here are some photos and videos of the little man from recently.
Wearing a headlamp around his neck, just like Grampa Swisher
You never know when you'll need it! :)
Jeff cracks me up because he loves "pockicks" (pockets) and loves to stroll with a hand in his pocket.
Jeff in his play tent

We were telling Jeff about Aunt Jenny coming, and he pointed to her on his great placemat the Sands made us. So then we had him name the whole Sand family.

Jeff thought Kirby bonking his head on the door was hilarious. His laughter is contagious! :)


John & Brittnie said...

Meg...he's getting SO big!!! I can't believe it! Those giggles made my day. Thanks...I needed that today! Lots of packing and moving tomorrow...Yuck!!!!

Jenny Sand said...

OH my goodness - That made my day too!!! I can't believe I get to come for a whole week...I'm SO excited! The Farmer's Almanac is predicting the biggest storm of the century on May day before I fly out. I sure hope they're wrong...keeping my finger's crossed. Love you all!

Austin and Janelle said...

Pockets? Why the fascination with pockets? interesting. We spent the day at the beach on Hilton Head with Austin's grandparents who are visiting, made me think of you guys.