Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finally some fun in the SUN!

Today Jeff and I had so much fun. It was actually nice here finally, warm and sunny. We haven't really seen much for real spring weather yet, and this was the nicest day by far. It's amazing how much easier it is to be entertained for longer periods of time when being outside is in the equation. There is so much to do: go to the park, take walks, run, pick up sticks, throw sticks, pick up rocks, throw rocks, fling sand, pile sand, pick up leaves, find something "icky," eat only Goldfish crackers that fall into sand, go down the slide, go down the slide, go down the slide, run away when mommy says "let me wipe your nose," tell people "hi" enough times that they realize they are being spoken to and respond back, look for doggies, look for airplanes, climb anything possible, etc. :) Kirb was gone for kind of a "guys day/night". He got to go down to Eugene, play golf with friends on a great course he's never played before, have a bbq, and then play tournament poker. Hopefully he's winning. :) He'll be back tomorrow. I got to go out to dinner with some girlfriends last night, so me and Kirb haven't seen much of eachother yet this weekend, but it's still been fun. Anyway, today Jeff and I started out by going swimming at the gym for a long time, so long that by the time we were getting lunch, he was about to pass out from happy exhaustion. But he made it through and ate well, took a great nap, and then we walked to a nearby park and played for a long time. It was fun. The only thing that wasn't so great is that yet again it seems as if Jeff is getting another cold or something, his nose was running like crazy today, and he's coughing some while sleeping and very congested. Poor little guy. But he was happy today.
I also got some errands accomplished today. We've been trying to finally get our room looking nice like we have attempted to do in the rest of the house, and last weekend we finally got some bedside tables, something we have never had, and we got some lamps for them, and today I found a new bedspread and I got a new shower curtain and rod and anyway, it was a good day. We've been telling ourselves we were going to do this for a couple years now, and now we are finally doing it. Not that I feel too badly about it, we have been just slightly busy, and enjoy our time off when we have it, but it is nice to feel like our room is a nicer more put together room that is more relaxing. I'll put photos up when we finish, but I wouldn't hold your breath. It still may be a while. This term is starting out VERY busy, so who knows if we'll get to paint until this summer. Audri, when you come visit in July you may just find yourself a painter. :) Hope all is well with everyone! Sorry to rub it in that it was nice and sunny here to all you people in SD and surrounding areas dealing with all the blizzards. :) Enjoy the photos! (Brent, he's wearing the SDM&T hat that's too big but still cute.)

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