Friday, March 13, 2009

Family and Fun

Jeff gardening at our house
In Seattle with second cousin Will


All is well here. I just finished the last week of the term, and it was a long week because I was doing normal lessons and a bunch of make up lessons from when Jeff was sick. And I guess I am not done yet. I have seven hours to teach on Sunday too. Blah. It's ok though, my students are getting ready for juries on Tuesday and Wednesday, and whatever I can do to help them will be good. :) Anyway, we've been trying to have some fun too. We've had a few glimpses of spring along with some lingering winter glances. It's that fun time of year with lots of transitions. The time change is still messing with me, and the bulbs are trying to come up at the same time snow is falling. Oh boy.

So, some things going on lately: Jeff and I went up to Seattle last week from Friday to Monday to see my brother and his fiancee while they were up there doing some pre-marital counseling with my uncle who is performing the ceremony in August. He performed our wedding too! We got to see my aunt and uncle and some of my cousins and cousins-in-law, as well as Jason, Kelly and Patrick, who was feeling much better after a horrific week in the hospital. We missed Kirb, but he was home needing to put in some more time at work, and he did a couple little projects at home which were much appreciated! One of the highlights of the trip was seeing my cousin Miriam's son Will, and seeing Jeff and him interact with eachother. They were so cute! Will is 4 months older than Jeff. I had never seen Jeff play with another kid quite like he was with Will. They were imitating eachother and laughing and hugging and it was so sweet. They are both such sweet souls.

Another funny story about the trip was that Jeff kept calling my brother Brent "Mike." (Which is funny because he always gets his name right when he sees pictures, but whatever...) It isn't too surprising though because the adult guys that Jeff sees the most, besides his daddy of course, are both named Mike! It was kind of hilarious, but then on Sunday night, Jeff was eating dinner, and Brent walked in the room, and Jeff just yelled, "BRENT!" (In his own way, which kind of sounds closed to "Bunt") It was cute. Brent and Terra are both just great with Jeff and Jeff loves them a lot. It was great to see them.
Jeff had a great time and loved staying with my aunt and uncle. He would go into the kitchen in the morning and just assume someone was there and say a sweet little, "Hi!" and then go look for my aunt and uncle. He would give them hugs when he saw them, and had to say "hi" about 5,000 times a day to them. He also loved their little kitten Lucy, who he kept calling "Jack." They look a little alike with the stripes and all, but it was pretty funny. She was a cute little thing, tiny compared with our full grown cats obviously.

I guess that's it for now. Jeff continues to develop his vocabulary and continues to grow taller all the time. We'll post again soon to share more adventures or just day to day stuff. :)