Thursday, January 22, 2009

More photos from Christmas time! (By Aunt Jenny)

Happy New Year!
Getting a horsie!

Gramma Coral and Jeff reading

Grampa Paul and Grampa Josh smiling at their only grandchild
I don't think they are proud or anything, are they?

Grandpa Josh posing for the camera :)
Grandpa Josh, Kirb and Jeff meeting the horse
Jen and Jeff making cookies
Grandma Coral and Jeff looking out at the horses
Aunt Jenny and Nephew Jeff

Great-Grandma Thorson, Grandma Sand, Grandson Jeff
Audri, my Mom, me, Kirby, Jeff, Jonathan, Brent

Hope you enjoy the photos!

1 comment:

Janna said...

Those are great! My favorite is the black and white one on top of your little family - precious!