Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Little Bear
Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Ours was pretty fun. It started with me feeling badly because I hadn't even got Jeff a costume or bought any candy. We had at least gone to a local farm last week and played in the corn and saw the animals and got a pumpkin, but we never got it carved. Boo to this Mom.

I will say it was a crazy last week, but all is well now. We had sickness throughout the house. Kirb and I got a cold that for me turned into losing my voice completely for several days and I had a concert that week, and wasn't able to even sort of sing until the day before (and was able to sing the concert thankfully), Kirb got the least of it with congestion and sore throat, and Jeff had it all too but his evolved into a double ear infection, with fever close to 105 degrees and him not even wanting to stand or walk or play. Not fun. But like I said, all is well now.

Anyway, back to Halloween. I searched high and low for a costume, I had wanted him to be a bear because his nickname from his great grampa is "Little Bear" and it fits him too. I thought maybe I would dress up as Goldilocks and he could be Baby Bear. Well, after going to four different stores and not only failing to find a bear costume, but also failing to find ANY costume at all that was even close to his size, I was frustrated and feeling even worse for not finding something earlier. They were really cleared out. I was feeling really bad by then and I at least bought some candy, and then decided to go back to Kmart where I had already looked several days earlier and thought since I was desperate that there might be something. (I had been much more picky when it was actually before the day of Halloween.) :) When I got there, they had out quite a few more costumes than had been there before, and guess what? There was a little bear costume! I was so excited, and it was his size too so I grabbed it, we got a little pumpkin pail for him, and checked out of there.

When I got home, it was about 20 minutes before we were supposed to meet Mike and Staci and Nick and Staci's parents, and I tried the costume on, and, OF COURSE, it didn't fit. Not even remotely close. When I held it up I cursed myself for not looking closer. I would have known for sure it wasn't long enough. I don't think that thing would have fit him lengthwise if he were 6 months old. So, I decided not to be upset and get creative. I was desperate and there was no time to do get anything else or make anything else. So, I cut the feet off, cut the legs off, duct taped the edge up so it didn't look too terrible, put some pants and shoes on him, put the paws on over his shoes, and put the rest on, and... it worked! I hope it looked ok. I had seen lots of costumes where it was just the top part, so I think it worked ok, and the paws over his shoes were adorable. And I knew that if I had to, we could go with the Superman pjs, but I thought the little bear was adorable and I am so glad it worked.
The remains and tools used to make it work!

We went to the fairgrounds where a church in town puts on an entirely free huge Halloween carnival, complete with jumping castles, petting zoo, pony rides, games, music, and food. It was a lot of fun and there were a lot of people there, many cute kids in such cute costumes! I think Jeff will love it even more when he's older.

Anyway, here are some photos of him, he's so cute!
Ponies are cool!
I'm just a sleepy little bear

Running around at the carnival

Cute golfer Nick (he even had a little set of clubs!)

The scary spider over at Steve and Connie's


Jenny Sand said...

I think I like the remade little bear costume even better than I would have liked the other one! What a cutie...I wish Grandpa Sand had the internet. Bummer. Glad you guys had fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Nick's costume was also too small. I could barely close the back for his shirt, and his pants were a little short, I almost had to cut the feet out, but somehow stretched them a little longer. His shoe covers were too small, and we duct taped the backs on to hold them on! But they both looked adorable! It all worked out. Whew!

John Ainsworth said...

Cutest little bear ever!! Nice work on the costume! I LOVE the video of Jeff dancing in the last post!! I'll have to keep that in mind for the next time I have a bad day! :)