Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's been WAY too long!

At the front door of the Sand Castle
Playing by the fence in our yard

Where's your tummy?


Daddy's hat is a little too big

Hi all, I know I know, it's been a while. A lot has been going on. Let's see, some major things since the last post: my computer decided to die on me right when I needed it the most for preparing for school, and at one point I thought I lost all the files which hadn't been backed up yet. That was not a fun few days for me. Thankfully everything was ok and my computer was fixed. Ok what else. Kirby went backpacking at Mt. Jefferson, school started and I got a whole bunch of new students and got going with my Italian and Latin diction course, Jeff started going to daycare three full days a week, I had the revival shows of The Mikado (which went really well), we had friends visit, and Kirb's sister Jen visited from South Dakota. She took some fantastic photos of Jeff so I just have to share them! All on this post are from her camera.

Jeff is so cute, and he has changed so much since his birthday. He is just figuring everything out and starting to say words now including mama, dada, hi, bye-bye, bottle, bubble, cracker, cat, dog, book, ow, and uh-oh. He misses some of the ending consonants and things, but supposedly that still counts. :) He follows directions pretty well and knows what to do if we say we are doing something, for example he will go to the door when I say we're ready to go, he will go to the gate at the stairs if we say it's time to change his diaper or have a bath. He loves to "help" around the house, sweeping, mopping, sorting clothes, picking up toys, etc. He even got a hold of a spatula and tried to reach up towards the stove to stir or cook something. :) He loves to turn the oven light on, and if he comes in and it's been turned off, that's the first order of business, and then he goes on his way. He just wants it to be on. He refuses to turn it off. He loves running in open areas and loves to bring things to people. He loves books, especially his little mini Sesame Street board books. He will show you where his tummy is only if it's his actual tummy, not through the shirt. He tries to do that for Mommy and Daddy too which is pretty funny. He has the cutest laugh and smile and such sweet hugs and kisses. We love our little guy so much. I saw a really new baby at the store the other day and then looked at my boy with his long legs hanging out of the cart and paging through a board book and just couldn't believe how fast time has flown by. I promise to post again very soon with more pictures and videos from the past month.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Megan - I needed a Jeff "fix", even though Jenny sent some of her photos. We appreciate your updates sooooooooooo! much--you're the best!


Anonymous said...

Great pic's! Can't wait to see more! I got to hold a 9 month old last week and I could't believe much of a difference it was. The first year just flew by. Hope your new term is going well!

Meghan said...

Those are great pictures!! He is growing up sooooo fast. How are you ding with him being at daycare more now? Love to you all

John & Brittnie said...

WOW...I can't believe how big Jeff is getting!! He's such a handsome little guy! I love love love these pics! Hope you guys are doing great! Can't wait to see you in a couple of months. love you! xoxo