Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Climbing, Stacking, Opening and Shutting, Just Playing All Day Long!

Hi, not a whole lot new here. Just getting ready for school to start next week: finishing syllabi and assignments and handouts and course schedules and picking music for my returning students, preparing for the revival shows of Mikado, and getting my new office together. I'll try to take some pictures of where I work sometime soon. I will be working three days a week this year, and Jeff will be going to daycare a little more. I am struggling with it a little, I wish I could stay at working only two days a week to be with Jeff more, but since the death of my colleague, we are all increasing our loads until next year when the powers that be will hire someone to replace him. Kirb's doing ok at work, but HP has been having layoffs, so it hasn't been so fun when people send out the emails saying, "Well, it's been nice working with you...." Also, his work laptop computer was STOLEN from work which was kind of crazy. We lost some music, but not much else because it was on my computer or our external hard drive. But just kind of crazy that at a facility where you have to have this special id that opens the doors, how someone could or would steal it. Oh well. It was also sad when he was asking whether he should order another and they kind of said, "Well, there will be a bunch of computers available in the next couple weeks.." meaning from all the people who are being laid off. Doesn't make a person feel great. Anyway, all in all, things are going fine, and we're feeling the fall season coming on: college football games, some tree's leaves are changing already, we've had the heat on at night because it's getting pretty darn chilly, and we're looking for tickets for going to SD for Christmas. Always signs that summer is truly over. :)
Ah, relaxing after a hard day's play
We've been staying at home mainly, trying to live a little leaner after a high spending/big vacations summer. It's been fun though, cooking at home and not going out, doing more projects, more yardwork, (I know, doesn't sound all that fun, but it has been!) talking more about future plans for us and the house, and just having fun with Jeff at home or the park. (not that we didn't do that before) :) He's so fun, and really turning into such a little boy. He knows what he wants when he wants and when he doesn't get it, he lets you know. He's a toddler! :) He's especially obsessed with the stereo/DVD/cable/computer set up. He wants to touch it ALL THE TIME and we won't let him, and he gets mad. I just go start reading one of his books, and he comes over and wants to turn the pages and read too, so I guess it isn't too bad, until that minute is over and he goes back and wants "mm--baa!" (computer, etc) again. He loves to go play outside and discover things, loves seeing animals of all kinds, and will imitate their sounds, especially dogs, birds, and cats. He seems to think that deer are dogs though, and will make barking sounds when we see them in the yard, and that doesn't really keep them around long. :) That's ok though, they always eat my flowers!! argh. Anyway, he will finally say "mama" when asked, and his daddy calls him a southern belle for how he says "Hi!" and "Bye-bye!" I'll have to record it. We now often wake up in the morning to him saying "Uh-oh" a bunch of times since he's usually thrown out his pacifier or Doggie. It's cute. Anyway, it's late and I still haven't figured out that whole "going to bed when the baby does" thing that a lot of people I know do. I just must not be as efficient at getting things done as they are. Oh well. We are trying to get to bed a little earlier, but if we are in bed by 11pm, that's major success. Not that you should picture me working away the whole time after Jeff goes to bed, believe me, that's not the case. We do tidy and finish up whatever house stuff we need to do, but we take turns going to work out a few times a week, or we watch a movie or something. I guess tonight it's staying up doing a blog post. :) Hope you enjoy! (I ended up going to bed before the videos were done uploading, so I didn't actually post until the morning if you were confused) :)
Hanging out with Nick Monroe
"Hey dude, I found Gumby!"

"Here, check him out."
"Thanks man."

"Hey let go, I need to swing this thing!"

Um...yeah....we need more toys.

Jeff helping mop (took off the top part of the swiffer and it works great for Jeff to "help") :)

Jeff passed a milestone with stacking

(ha ha, just kidding, actually he can only do six on his own) :)

Here's Jeff having a ball opening and shutting the back door. In the end, he is the doorstop that he gets mad about. Kind of funny.

In this one, Jeff has just learned to climb up on the couch. Later that day he climbed up his little stool and was trying to step on to the window sill, and then later on also climbed right up on the coffee table over at Mike and Staci's. It just seems like his first instinct to whatever he comes in contact with is to climb it. I can always see his little feet trying to find a foothold. :) Oh, boy, are we in for it now.


Jenny Sand said...

I'm glad you're videotaping the small things...Jefferson will laugh his head off someday!!!

Anonymous said...

I have recently read that if you turn in horse or donkey manure to your garden beds the deer will stay away. I have not tried it but it might be worth a try to keep you flowers from being eaten. I always enjoy the blog and seeing how your little one is advancing.

Jenny Sand said...

I'm anxious for another update although I'll be getting a FACE-TO-FACE update in two days!!!!!!!! I can hardly wait.
