Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hello again!

Howdy! Whew, it's been a long time and so much has happened since the last post. I promise to get to updating soon. We're just getting back into the swing of things at home. You all know how you almost feel like you need a vacation from your vacation? We had a wonderful time, but there is just always a lot to do when we get back. I just started rehearsals for the show I am doing in August, Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado. I will write more about that sometime soon too, but I have rehearsals from 7-10pm five nights a week, and it just digs into my time that I normally have after Jeff goes to sleep to do things like adult conversation with my husband, cleaning, updating the blog and maybe eating dinner. :) Anyway, I thought I would at least post a couple pictures that my sis-in-law Jenny just sent me that are so cute! She always gets the best photos. I'll post again soon!


Janna said...

Love the bottom photo - you look great and Jeff's smile is adorable! And his overalls are so ucte!

PsychoDad said...

Love the new pics! Missed you all while you were gone! I have S.C. pics for you of the boys.

Sarah said...

Those pictures are super cute, it's a good thing Jeff's aunt is a photographer!

The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Love the photos!