Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there, and especially to my husband and father of our little Jefferson! Kirb kind of forgot it was even father's day and that it's his day, and thinks it is really cool that I said he could go do whatever he wanted. He has been working really hard since we got back from our trip, since we are going on another trip on Wednesday, and he's on a new project that has to keep going while he's away. Anyway, I think he's going to get some golf in or at least watch some golf on TV. He deserves it. :) Kirby is a wonderful father and I truly can't think of a better man for the job. Way back during my senior year of high school, way before I wanted to get married to anyone, way before we were even back together again (long story), I at least I knew I wanted to have kids someday, and I really remember one day trying to think of people who would even come close to being someone I would want as the father of my children. I don't know why this was in my head, probably just random like everything else when I was a teenager. He was the only one I could imagine being a good dad, someone who would truly be there for their kids, really raise them, someone so loving, with the right values and faith. I suppose the fact I loved him had something to do with it too. :) Anyway, he is a great father and I think we make a great team. I am so thankful for him! Happy Father's Day Kirb! Also, we want to say Happy Father's Day to our own fathers. Without them, our values and ideas of what a father should be would not exist. Thanks Dad! Thanks Dad-in-law Josh! We love you so much and can't wait to see you in a few days! So here are a few pictures of the daddy and son in honor of Father's Day. Also, there's a video of Jeff when Kirb comes home. When I say "Daddy's home!" he starts making this kind of excited, kind of worried sound, and starts crawling to where he thinks Daddy might appear. It is the cutest thing ever how excited he gets, and in this video it is pretty tame, but pretty cute and you can just see how much he loves his daddy. Enjoy!
Misty day at the Oregon Coast

On the plane to SC!

Fell asleep while playing on the bed

Daddy's sack o' potatoes


Jenny Sand said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for capturing that great video! And for the great father's day post. You are a GREAT team. See you Friday!....

John & Brittnie said...

So adorable! You're so good at keeping up with your blog. Thanks for making me look bad. :)
Can't wait to see you guys in a few days!!! Love you!