Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jefferson is on the move! ***added another video!

"Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...Look! Up in the sky! It's a's a's SUPERMAN!"

My brother used to have some superman pjs with a cape that he wore all the time, so when I saw these it really brought back some fun memories and I just HAD to get them.

Jeff loves to topple anything stacked

Our family at the Cordell home. We are inside the house in this picture. They have this huge rubber tree that is growing in the house. It is in the entryway, where there is a section of "floor" that is just the ground, and there is an automatic water dripper and big overhead windows. So cool!

Jeff hanging out with mama in the back "yard"
(aka Sandcastle Jungle)

Howdy all! Well, our little one has reached a pretty big milestone: he's crawling! It is pretty exiting and also a bit scary for us. We really need to get the house baby-proofed. We have some outlet covers and cabinet locks, but we also just need to go through on our hands and knees and make sure there aren't any un-baby-friendly things that he might be able to reach. Thankfully we don't have too much junk around. He started crawling over the weekend when we went to Portland. He got to see his little buddy Claire who is a month older, and she was cruising all over the place. I guess he wanted to be a part of the action. He started crawling a little, taking a few "steps" and then lunging forward, and now he crawls farther and faster. Pretty cool.
Me? Eat with a baby spoon? Ha ha ha ha ha ha hee hee ha ha ha!
Other new things include him being done done with breastfeeding, he now takes a bottle with formula instead. Also, about three days after he was done breastfeeding, he also decided that he doesn't like to be fed pureed foods with a baby spoon by us anymore. Kirby, being the problem solver engineer that he is, decided to experiment and tried using an adult sized spoon, and Jeff totally loved it! But then, the next day, he didn't want that either and just quit eating baby food altogether. He only wants to eat things he can put in his mouth by himself. He eats cheerios, bread, tortillas, chicken, peas, green beans, cheese, scrambled egg yolks, pears, peaches, bananas, broccoli, carrots, pasta, pretty much anything we give him. He is quite dextrous and can even pick up several pieces of food at once, and eat them one at a time by rolling the next piece up to his fingertips. Yesterday and today, he has even taken "bites" of his food. I am not sure how he accomplishes this seeing that he has no teeth, but he's doing it anyhow. :)
Actually, we think he may be getting a tooth. Yesterday and especially today, he has been a bit fussy, which is not like him, and he woke up in the night and got up earlier than usual, and wasn't happy like he normally is, and then he also woke up very early from his first nap, again, fussy and not like himself. He normally plays in his crib and is happy, and he was certainly not that. We hung out for a while, checked his temperature to make sure he didn't have a fever or something, and then gave him some Tylenol and put him back down for a nap since he was still sleepy. Now he's been out for an hour and a half. So, I think a tooth might be bothering him. His lower gum seems swollen a bit, although I can't feel anything poking up. We'll see I guess.
Back to last weekend, we had an awesome time at the Cordell's and at the baby shower. It was mainly fun to just see everyone and hang out. The Cordell's have such an awesome place, it was perfect. They have a huge house that is great for entertaining, and a person feels like they're in the middle of nowhere even though it isn't far from town at all. It is very beautiful with lots of trees and right next to the river. Our hosts were great! Thanks so much, Jeff, Denise, and Bryce!
The baby shower was fun, it's great to know that Jason and Kelly are all ready and have everything they need in preparation of their little son's arrival. Too bad people can't give multiple hours of sleep or instant healing. I wish a person could register for that at Target. Oh well. :) That's probably the only thing left they'll need. We hope for the most wonderful, low stress birth for them, and a healthy baby! Kelly looks amazing and healthy, and the baby is doing great, so I am sure all will be wonderful. I think she's definitely ready to meet the little guy and see her feet again. :)
Alright, I need to get going, so enjoy the photos and videos! And one more thing: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! Wish we could be there to celebrate. We love you and Jeff sends a "kissa." Happy birthday to Noah too and my cousin Adam. ta ta for now!

Jeff and Bryce having a snack

Little Claire Bear and mama Sarah

Kelly will be doing this with her own son very soon!
Jeff and Claire having a little outdoor playtime after the baby shower

Here is Jeff crawling around. In this clip, he can't seem to decide
if he wants to crawl or sit up and look at something in the other direction.

Jeff loves hearing Kirb play the guitar and he got a kick out of playing it himself. I love how he looks up at Kirb so excited and happy. So cute!


Austin and Janelle said...

He is looking so grown up, and aparently acting like it too. He is still just a baby though, don't worry Meg he'll need you for years to come. Can't wait to see him again!

Sarah said...

The guitar video is awesome. Kirby will have to teach him some songs...