Friday, April 11, 2008

Eating, laughing, playing

I'm an Olympic swimmer in the tub crawl category
I know my Aunt Jenny loves me!

Hello, it is the end of another busy week. Teaching is going fine, daycare is going ok (he seems to be too easily distracted so he isn't eating as much and he doesn't get his naps in barely at all, for example, his morning nap was 5 minutes instead of 2 hours, yikes) and me keeping up with the house and yard and laundry and, well, maybe not the best. :) I try. Kirb mowed the lawn yesterday and it looks really nice. We are finally having a little warmer weather, and it is supposed to be in the 70's today. It hasn't been terrible, but not very warm and just not a whole lot of sun yet. Oh well. It is starting to look beautiful with all the flowering trees and bushes, and the leaves on the trees are coming along too. We are leaving later today to go to Portland for the weekend. Our friends Jason and Kelly from Seattle are soon-to-be parents of a little boy, and Kelly is having a shower, and we are also going to just hang out with friends. Our friends Jeff and Denise and their son Brice are living in a huge house by the river and surrounded by a wooded area, and so we along with a bunch of other friends are descending on their place. It should be a lot of fun: bbq-ing, exploring, maybe having a bonfire at night... should be wonderful! Kirby will also have a fun weekend trying out his brand new golf clubs. He is so excited to actually go play, he's had them for a few days and is just itching to get out with them. Now we have good weather and he'll get to play with good friends. (Hopefully he'll golf well. I told him he wasn't allowed to throw a club ever again, for what they're worth. Maybe I should have them insured...) Anyway, not a whole lot is new. Jeff still isn't nursing and I just get kind of sad and frustrated when I try. I still do try but I have just sort of accepted that he's done and we are moving to formula. I decided I am not going to try and pump for him for the next months. I guess he at least got almost 8 months of breastfeeding, so hopefully he got a lot of good things because of it... I guess for me it means now I have to get going on losing some more weight before our 10 year high school reunion this summer! eek, it was nice having an excuse to eat more! :) Oh well. Anyway, enjoy the photos and videos! Isn't he a cutie?! We'll have much more after the weekend.

Jeff LOVES when Kirby plays for him.
And apparently, he loves blocks too... :)

Here is Jeff eating some finger foods. This was a couple weeks ago already,
and his dexterity continues to get better by leaps and bounds. He's really quite amazing.
He especially loves peaches or pears, and will eat them all before picking anything else up.

Jeff loves being "woo woo!" He's starting to scoot himself around every which way. He doesn't really crawl yet though. He is so sweet to his stuffed animals, giving them hugs and kisses. He does to us too! So sweet.

This isn't a very good video since it is dark and the angle isn't great, but I thought his laughter was cute and so I just set the camera on the table next to us so I could get how cute he sounds. I don't sound cute at all, however, so please disregard me. It's funny how I can find a silly tone that seems more entertaining to the little one, and it doesn't really matter that the specific tone doesn't bode well for "singing," if you can even call it that. I really can sing in tune.... :)


Anonymous said...

This blog is SOOOOO much fun! Three videos in! I love his face when he hugs the stuffed animal and his laugh made me laugh. What a sweetie! Jefferson, your aunt Jenny does love you!

John & Brittnie said...

I love the video of Jeff laughing. He's too cute! Great family pics! What a beautiful family you have. Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...
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Andy said...

Is that rug made of bearskin?