Monday, March 24, 2008

Uncle Brent comes for Easter!

"The spring is at the door!"
Some photos of flowers in our yard

Sunset at the coast from the lighthouse

Jeff with the little dolphin he got from Uncle Brent
He LOVES it!

Hello, hope everyone had a good Easter! It is now spring break for me, so no teaching until next week. I am tired from the past week so it will be nice to just have an open schedule. We don't have anything planned; obviously Kirby doesn't have any time off and he isn't planning on taking any. We will just take it easy and hang out around Corvallis. We actually had a pretty busy past week. I had to judge final voice juries which went well, I was really pleased with my students' presentations. They were very prepared, poised, and knew all their translations. Anyway, I was happy. Jeff was with a sitter those days and did really well. It made me feel better about him being at daycare starting next week. I know it will be a transition, but hopefully he'll adjust and be ok. The evening after I finished juries, Brent flew in to Portland. Unfortunately his flight was late, so he and Kirby didn't get home until pretty late. The next day, we went to HP and had a little lunch and tour with Kirb, and got to make a photo book for Brent. On Friday Brent, Jeff, and I went to the coast and to the aquarium out there. It was a beautiful day and we had a good time. Saturday we went up to Seattle. We got there in the evening and first saw our friends Jason and Kelly. Kelly is about 7 months pregnant and we hadn't seen her with a belly yet, so that was fun. They are having a boy, so I brought her a bunch of clothes that Jeff can't wear anymore. Kelly had to run off to work her night shift at the hospital, and the rest of us went and met my cousin Miriam, her husband Josh, and their little boy Will. He is almost a year old, and such a cutie. We stayed with my Aunt Carreen and Uncle Paul and we talked with them a little before heading to bed. The next morning we went to church and it was a wonderful service. Great music, great sermon, so fun. We then had dinner with the family and hung out a little bit, and then had to get going. We headed back to Portland for the night and stayed with Noah and Sarah. Brent's flight was so early it wasn't worth going all the way back to Corvallis. It was a very quick trip and quick visit from Brent, but really fun. I am tired so my writing is not so good right now, but oh well. I have realized I don't have a lot of traditional hobbies, but I guess my baby blogging can count as something. I enjoy it, and really it will be fun for Jeff to have later on too. Enjoy the photos! Also, here's a video of Jeff at the aquarium in the little pool where you can touch the sea creatures. fun!


Anonymous said...

Aunt Jenny is jealous that Aunt Kaija and Uncle Brent got one on one time with Jefferson! :) Keep the videos coming!

aneliese dar said...

jeff is just getting cuter and cuter each photo...happy easter! much love to you guys!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the great long weekend. Now that you know how awesome I am, we can schedule when you guys can fly me out.


The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Oh how I miss Oregon!!

I can't believe how much Jefferson and your husband look alike! Wow!