Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sitting Up, Eating "Real" Food, and a Road Trip

So the last post, although full of some good photos, was not all that interesting. It was mainly a list of things we did. Sorry if you were bored. Also, this blog thing doesn't always pay attention to where I put spaces between paragraphs, so I have these huge paragraphs that used to be two or more. Oh well. I just wanted to let people know what we were up to, and since this (so far) is the closest thing to a baby scrapbook for Jeff, I want to make sure I mention what we did and where he was. :)

Anyway, we are back at home and getting into the swing of our routine again. Jeff is doing great, and doing so many new things. He is jabbering all the time, sitting up pretty well unassisted, and eating rice cereal. Here is a video of him eating. It's so cute how excited he gets. He has been staring at us eating intently for some time now, and I think he loves the fact that he gets to eat with spoons and bowls now.

New highchair for our boy!

When we were still on vacation, we traveled to Richland, WA, to see our friends Andy and Sarah, and their daughter Claire. She is a little over a month older than Jeff, and such a cutie! The two of them actually look like they could be brother and sister. Their eyes are about the exact shade of blue, and their hair is dark and, well, "sparse" for the time being. I suppose they just look like babies and it could be said of many, but anyway...Claire really looks like a little girl, and Jeff definitely like a boy, and they are pretty cute together. Don't worry Andy, we aren't thinking of an arranged marriage or anything, and it was Claire who grabbed and held his hand while we were there, so don't look at us! :) We had a really fun time relaxing, eating, bowling, taking walks, going out to eat, and going to church.

Our family at Andy, Sarah, and Claire's in Richland, WA
The two little famillies

Jeff and Claire
Jeff had just got up and was still in what we call "The Hummel"
(since we got it from the Hummels)which is nice and warm, but it looks kind of funny
with his hood to the side, and I think his hands were still all wrapped up so he wasn't doing much. Oh well. :) Cute anyway.

Claire seems to think that all pacifiers should be hers, so she kept taking Jeff's out of his mouth, and the dads thought it was so entertaining that they kept giving it to him so she would take it. Jeff didn't seem to care much.

We can't believe that Jeff is five months old! Time is flying by, and we are enjoying every moment. We'll try to post more soon. much love to all.


Austin and Janelle said...

How fun, we want to video call with you guys soon so we don't lose touch with him. Next time we see him he will almost be 1 probably.

Anonymous said...

Both of those videos made me laugh outloud! Thanks for two updates in one week! :) Love you all.

jenny sand

aneliese dar said...

oh my word...those two are adorable...i still can't believe you guys do "parent stuff"...like feed a child and change diapers...i'm so glad i have some friends that are so grown-up!!

love you guys